At breakfast formation Midshipmen Farley, Oates, Scully, Brimmer, Henkel and Page were assigned fifty demerits each for unauthorizedabsence during the night.
And in another four hours her status would officially become UA-UnauthorizedAbsence- acrimepunishable by court-martial, dishonorable discharge, and even imprisonment.
"In December of nineteen sixty-seven, while stationed in Vietnam, Private John 'Spider' Lowery took unauthorizedabsence from his unit."
Ús de absence without leave en anglès
We reached Corpus Christi just in time to avoid " absencewithoutleave."
When I returned to Washington, I found an official document, a recommendation from the Quarter-Master General, of my dismissal for absencewithoutleave.
Gradually they came to understand the wickedness of desertion, or absencewithoutleave, but this comprehension of their obligations was not easily acquired.
Absencewithoutleave was his chief delight.
"No absencewithoutleave" should be mentally posted in the consciousness and the conscience of every one.
"Let a formal report of his absencewithoutleave, be made to me immediately after the parade has been dismissed."
"For drunkenness, being late at roll-call, absencewithoutleave, and selling government property, mostly exchanging rations for groceries, such as sugar and tea."